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Hello Laura, welcome to BooksChatter and thank you for joining us today
What was the inspiration for The Ark?
Who would you recommend The Ark to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
Hello Miley! Belly rubs and head scratches to you!
She is lovely! Thank you for sharing her with us and for chatting to us today. We look forward to the next instalments in The Ark Trilogy.
What was the inspiration for The Ark?
"I wanted the story to be reminiscent of an old-school space adventure, through the eyes of a young girl struggling for survival. I wanted her to be resourceful but not particularly wise yet, and to have a strong desire for redemption without fully understanding what that might involve. So an end-of-the-world scenario seemed like a good fit!How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
When I created Char, I gave her all the “flaws” I’m most afraid of. She doesn’t see the world in black and white. She doesn’t follow rules she can’t make sense of, which makes her impulsive, but wise in her own way. She’s fiercely independent, but not as independent as she believes herself to be. Her understanding of good and bad are much more complex than mine, a quality I find inspiring in others and terrifying in a daughter. And I gave her friends and enemies who bring out those attributes in her, as well as a mother who really, truly loves her."
"In real life, I’m more like Eren. He’s happy to follow the rules. His life has given him no reason to question authority. But if you think about it, in some ways, that’s way more screwed up than Char’s point of view."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for The Ark - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"My publisher chose the cover, which is a very good thing. Cherie Chapman created it, and it’s strange and wonderful to see an image of a girl who was born inside my head. Also, her eyes match the meteor, which is so cool."Why should we read The Ark and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"The Ark is about a girl who can’t seem to get it right. Charlotte Turner has been behind bars, off and on, since she was twelve. Even before that, she felt trapped– hemmed in at every angle by her parents’ relentless drive toward status and achievement. But at least in juvy, people seem to get her. They call her by her chosen name, Char, and they even pronounce it correctly: with a hard ch, as in charred. Something that got burned.Can you tell us something quirky about The Ark, its story and characters?
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: world-weary criminal seeks out redemption and a better life, only to find that, given his status as a convict, his past will follow him wherever he goes. For some, there is no out.
Only in my book, the hardened criminal is a little girl. And instead of a life of crime and prison, she’s looking at a violent end in an oncoming meteor strike."
"Hmm… here’s something I learned after I wrote the book. I was researching spaceships and came across the Stanford Torus, which is a space station designed in the 1970’s with a million similarities to the North American Ark. It’s shaped like a doughnut, and it even spins to create gravity."Recently Elysium employed a very similar design.
Who would you recommend The Ark to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I’m after anyone with a sense of adventure. My stories are based on a lifelong devotion to space-themed television sagas, and I’m definitely taking certain social issues into consideration as I write, but the action comes first.If you could / wished to turn The Ark and the The Ark Trilogy into a movie, who would be your dream team?
That being said, it’s a young adult book, and I’m really proud to work in this genre. It’s exciting to be right on the cusp of adulthood, but it’s also full of the terrifying potential for self-doubt that comes with self-discovery. And speculative fiction is the perfect space to explore that. "
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?"Great question! I wrote the character of Kip with Daniel Radcliffe in mind, because you’d need someone who can pull off the emotional trauma of the scene at the guard towers without overdoing it. He’s no good, but he does care about Char on some level."
"I’ll read anything, but I really love to write science fiction and fantasy. I don’t see myself ever straying from that arena."What is your writing process?
"It’s mostly lots of coffee and crippling self-doubt, interspersed with fleeting moments of excitement. “I can’t believe I get to tell this story! I love this story!” etc."What is in store next?
"Right now, I’m completely focused on the two sequels to The Ark. Char has a long way to go before she finds what she’s looking for. And that’s great. I’m not ready to say goodbye to her yet.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
After this series is done, I have another story I’m excited to get back to: a fun, action/adventure tale with a protagonist who takes himself a little too seriously. It will be my first in the fantasy genre. I’m looking forward to that. "
"I would absolutely love to! This is Miley, my sweet, tiny companion. She is a very good girl."
Hello Miley! Belly rubs and head scratches to you!
She is lovely! Thank you for sharing her with us and for chatting to us today. We look forward to the next instalments in The Ark Trilogy.
The Ark - available NOW!


1 comment:
Great interview, ladies! Thanks for being on the tour! :)
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