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A big welcome to Randi! Thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for Affected ?
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
Can you tell us something quirky about Affected , its story and characters?
If you could / wished to turn Affected into a movie, who would be your dream team?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
What a baby! and I see he helps you with your writing! Thank you for sharing him with us :-)
What was the inspiration for Affected ?
"The inspiration for my latest book, Affected, came to me about seven years ago. It began as a short story idea, perhaps 2,500 words, about a young woman who runs away from her life because her stressors were too difficult to handle. Over the years, I kept adding to that short story until there was so much story to tell that those 2,500 words became a trilogy of novels."

"One of my main characters, Gracie, is very much me. She handles situations in the way I’d expect myself to handle them, often sacrificing her personal relationships and her own happiness for the greater good. As I do, Gracie blames herself for situations that are out of her control, and that guilt constantly fuels her to do better and achieve more. Gracie is the voice of the unheard, and I am constantly trying to speak for those without voices."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Affected - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"When my cover artist came to me with the book’s current cover, it was among several ideas. I selected this particular cover because it rings true to what the book’s all about: “Affected” is stamped across the model’s forehead just as it is stamped across the lives of those people living inside of my book."Why should we read Affected and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"My book is a unique blend of literary and commercial. It is mainstream in many of its elements: action, suspense, plot twists and turns. However, I have written it in a dreamlike, almost poetic way, so that the words themselves leave as much of an impact as the actions taking place."

"Yes. Grace Abbey and Jeannie Grant, the two female protagonists, are named after Abby Grant, a character in Survivors, one of my all-time favourite book and television show series."Who would you recommend Affected to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"My main character has a bit of a potty mouth, and there are explosions. Plenty of explosions."

"I’m not dead-set on who I see my characters being played by. However, Grace Evangeline Abbey is named, in part, after Evangeline Lilly. When I envision her, I envision much of Evangeline’s character on LOST, and can see no other person playing her role."

"I write a touch of everything: poetry, science fiction, action, mystery, suspense, short stories. I’m even currently working on a romantic comedy! I love writing in itself and therefore try not to limit myself to a specific style or genre."What is your writing process?
"My laptop, a can of Dr. Pepper and my pug at my side. The rest is just semantics."What is in store next?
"I am currently working on a couple of projects: an anthology I’m putting together with some fellow writers and friends; a romantic comedy; and Affected’s sequel: Ascendance."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My pleasure. My pug is my best good friend! I’d love to show him off!"
What a baby! and I see he helps you with your writing! Thank you for sharing him with us :-)
Affected - available NOW!


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