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Thursday 23 May 2019

✉ My Ideal Writing Space - Cerian Hebert

Today author takes over our blog to tell us about her  Ideal Writing Space. The Storm Within (, Soul Mate Publishing, LLC, 125 pages), a Paranormal Romance, is book eleven in the multi-author series The Soul Mate Tree.

"This one might just rip out your heart a little. I loved it.  Set in the winter, the Soul Tree just continues to burn for those in need. The characters and their souls need one another.

Lots of hurt, lots of anger need to be put to rest.... and then they will be whole."
~ Amazon reviewer

"I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Two souls lost, to be found by the Soul Mate Tree. The only problem I had with this book is that it ended too soon."
~ Amazon Verified Purchase

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My Ideal Writing Space 

by Cerian Hebert

Once upon a time, before the days of the internet, I bought a book called “How To Write A Romance And Get It Published” by Kathryn Falk.  I loved this book.  I still have it somewhere, even if a lot of the information in it is obsolete since it was published 28 years ago.  One of the things the author advised was to set up the writing area before getting serious about writing the story.  I took this to heart way back when.  I wanted that perfect writing area.  A quiet office, with windows overlooking a backyard, or something equally as restful, bright, with bookcases, a stereo, because I love to listen to music, a comfy chair and ottoman, and lots of plants.

Of course reality isn’t as perfect as that.  Currently I write wherever I can, whenever I can, and that includes writing in my car, in the laundromat, and on a tv tray in my living room.  I’ve completely given up on that perfect workspace. 

At the laundromat
...and again
Over the past 28 years, since I’ve actually become a published author, I have discovered that the perfect writing area is not something that is necessary.  As long as I can concentrate on what’s going on in my head, the location doesn’t matter as much.

That’s not to say I don’t want that perfect spot.  I know exactly where that perfect spot is.  Give me a cottage on the Maine coast.  Away from everyone.  A desk or table by windows with a view of the ocean, with nothing but the sound of the waves and gulls.  A deck that overlooks water so I can write the book about the ghosts of the Maine coast.  I can’t think of anything that would inspire me more.
Maybe someday I’ll get there.

The Storm Within
Available NOW!

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

C.D.Hersh said...

Cerian love your ideal space. Ours is the same but with two desks. ;-)

Addie Jo Ryleigh said...

Oh, the realities of life :-) Sometimes the best inspiration can come from the most unlikely places but I hope you get your perfect spot someday!