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Monday 20 May 2019

ℚ♫ That Guy and That Girl: Artists & Athletes [1] - Natalia Albrite

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about That Guy and That Girl (, Natalia Albrite, 241 pages), a New Adult Contemporary Romance, book one in the Artists & Athletes series.

"Beautifully written! I started reading this book and literally couldn’t put it down. It was so beautifully written and evoked every emotion. I can not wait to read the next one, and the next, and the next!" ~ Patt Mc'Clouertson, verified Amazon purchase

"This book is so relatable. Jon and Olivia experience so many ups and downs and come through it stronger. I really enjoyed this romance read!" ~ G Panda, verified Amazon purchase

"I love romance novels and this was a great one!" ~ Ronna, verified Amazon purchase

|| Synopsis || Teaser: KCR Preview || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||

A very warm welcome to Natalia Albrite; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in That Guy and That Girl , or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
"Think a lot of 90s greatest hits! Songs like the ones below. There’s even a scene featuring You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’ by the Righteous Brothers."
What was the inspiration for That Guy and That Girl?
"Does is count if I realized the inspiration after I was in the middle of it?

Let’s say yes. ;-)

So I was about halfway through writing my book, I was walking my dog when I nearly stopped in my tracks with the realization that I was writing this book for my twenty-two-year-old self.  This was a book I would have binged at twenty-two and it felt great to reach back in time and give my young self a treat!"
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"A LOT of myself is reflected in Olivia, the lead female character.  I too, am biracial and her struggles are my struggles.

For many years, I felt the need to be perfect to gain people’s approval and that’s ultimately Olivia’s greatest challenge to overcome.  I felt her pain and her triumph!"
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for That Guy and That Girl - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"The amazing internet was my cover artist source. I did the ol’ google search for “book cover artist,” surveyed the websites, and I fell in love with Robin Vuchnich’s work at

I love hot men and abs as much as the next gal but I definitely wanted to go a different direction with my cover.  Her work is just so darn cool and caught my eye immediately."
Why should we read That Guy and That Girl and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Truthfully, I don’t know that my book sets me apart from the rest.  I like to think I’m right in the pocket of the new adult sports romance genre and honestly, nothing would please me more.  I have devoured and loved so many within the genre that I hope I’m adding on in a positive way.

You should read it because you like to get lost in a good love story and perhaps you can gain some insight on what it’s like to be biracial in Texas."
Can you tell us something quirky about That Guy and That Girl, its story and characters?
"That Guy and That Girl is based in Austin, Texas and I didn’t want to run afoul of the real life places it’s based on so I changed the names slightly to protect the innocent (me).

For instance, Olivia’s dorm is Kippington and I lived in Kinsolving.
Olivia’s favorite ice cream place is Amelia’s which is based on the actual Amy’s which is very popular and famous here.
John and Olivia attend Texas University which is really my own alma mater The University of Texas at Austin (hook ‘em horns!)."
Who would you recommend That Guy and That Girl to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I really think anyone can find something in it that’s relatable though in good conscience, I can’t recommend it for anyone under eighteen.  It’s not super steamy but in movie terms, it would be rated R."
If you could / wished to turn That Guy and That Girl and the Artists & Athletes series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Oh fun!  I picture David Gandy and Zoe Saldana in the leads (at the right ages of course).  I really think filming it right here in Austin, Texas would be ideal so the real places can be captured as much as possible.  And I should definitely direct.  Definitely!  Who else can authentically guide the scenes?!"
David Gandy Zoe Saldana Natalia Albrite
Austin, Texas

What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"In general, in both real and fictional life, I am drawn to athletes and artists.  It’s a real thing.  I love what they have in common that isn’t immediately obvious (dedication, hard work, and drive).  For now, I plan to solidly write in this genre but once I finish this series, I’m definitely open to exploring something new.

I also have a quiet but growing interest in post-apocalyptic world-building so who knows?"
What is your writing process?
"In general, I tend to obsess about things. I fantasize and I obsess until those thoughts need an outlet.  That outlet is writing in one form or another.

Once I figure out what form I want that writing to take I create a plan (I’m a big outliner).

I will usually set deadlines and word count goals for myself and then I’m off and running!  Depending on the piece, sometimes I block out early morning time like I did for this book and sometimes I write throughout the day.

It’s a little different for everything I write but I do try to always follow through to completion.  Finishing is really important to me."
What is in store next?
"Here’s how my plan looks so far (subject to change of course):

.5 - Kate and Brad’s story (novella)
1 - That Guy and That Girl (novel)
1.5 - Darion and Kenya’s story (novella)
2 - Marcus and Eva’s story (novel)
2.5 Novella that is based on someone you’ll meet in Marcus and Eva’s story; I want to keep that one a bit mysterious for now

And then of course, there’s the children of these people!  Whew, I’ve got some work to do!!"
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"Meet my dog, Francesca.  She’s a husky Corgi who loves walks, barking at squirrels, and dropped food.  (She doesn’t love getting her picture taken.)"
Hello Francesca!  You are absolutely beautiful :-)  Lots of head-scratches and belly-rubs to you from all of us here at BooksChatter (and that includes a LOT of cats!).

Natalia, thank you for sharing Francesca with us.  We hope you are having a great tour!

That Guy and That Girl
ONLY 0.99 until 31 May 2019!

purchase from purchase from find on Goodreads


Natalia Albrite said...

Thanks for welcoming me to thoroughly! This was truly a special feature! I am really grateful!

Kim said...

I like the cover. It's actually what drew me to the book.

Natalia Albrite said...

Thanks so much! I love it myself! Visuals are always fun for me to play with!

Marisela Zuniga said...

I'm from Texas too, I would like to one day visit Austin. It's about a 5 hour drive from us

Caryl Kane said...

Waving hello to my fellow Texans!