**Grab Edges, and book one, Truths, for ONLY 0.99 until the end of the tour!**
"Great story. Great plot. Relatable characters. What else can you ask for in a book." - Amazon Reviewer
"Great story, loved the insta-connection between Mara and Mac. All very hot. I can't wait for the next book in the series!" - Amazon Reviewer
Teaser: Excerpt || The Series || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||
A very warm welcome to Kenzie Macallan; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Here at BooksChatter we love music, so Kenzie Macallan has shared with us her music playlist for Edges - enjoy!
Here at BooksChatter we love music, so Kenzie Macallan has shared with us her music playlist for Edges - enjoy!
"The first book in this series TRUTHS was about the oldest of the three Luccenzo sisters. The basis of the series is Secrets, Strength, and Passion. EDGES is Book 2 in the Art of Eros series.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
This book was inspired by Leigha, the middle sister. The background for this storyline comes from the modelling industry. My sister did some International modelling when she was younger and she’s an awesome photographer. Those two things are about the only similarities between my main character and my sister. But it’s and interesting profession and intrigued me."
"I think all writers put a little of themselves in all of their books. I’ve always been fascinated by modelling and photography. I love to take photos but mostly of flowers. I’ve gone through a lot of portfolios of photographers and taking really great photos of a person is a real art form.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Edges - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
In my book, Leigha comes from the modelling world and she’s a professional photographer. She’s also a control freak. And here’s where my personality comes in. I like to make sure my hands are in all aspects of publishing my books. I needed to learn when to let go and when to hand it over to another professional."
"Each cover in this series has a prominent color. TRUTHS has red as its color. EDGES’ color was blue. It’s just the way I saw the stories.
I did an exhaustive two-year search for my cover model, Garry Turner. Once I found him, I started following him on Instagram. I wanted to make sure he was true to his posts and he’s the real deal. He’s smart, funny, handsome, loving, and generous. He took several photos and sent them to me.
Next, I worked with Louisa Maggio to not only redesign the first cover but to do this one as well. I got lucky. She was totally in synch with what I was trying to do. I think the shot we chose has the reader already asking questions before they have opened the book. I also wanted to go against the grain. There seems to be a trend for dark covers or black and white. I love color and I think this cover pops."

"This series has a suspense storyline that runs through all three books. There are many surprises in each book as well. However, they can be read as stand alones because each book is dedicated to a different sister.
I find writing to be such a creative process that I wanted to write about women artists. Each sister is an artist from sculptor, Mara in TRUTHS; photographer, Leigha in EDGES; and Raquelle, portrait artist in FACES.
These women are strong but have tragedy to overcome, deal with real-life issues, and work to get to their truths about who they really are. I think we all work toward that goal. But this book also gives the reader an escape. My hope is that the reader is comes away from the stories with questions for themselves."
Can you tell us something quirky about Edges, its story and characters?
"There are two quirky things about this series. I’ve always felt that as children we get very attached to childhood stories. The main character in each book has a memory from a favorite childhood story.Who would you recommend Edges to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
In EDGES, Leigha’s has memories from Charlotte’s Web and pieces together some thing from her life that relates to the story.
There is also a game that is made up by the male lead character in each book. The game in this book is called, Truth, Dare or Care. It adds another dimension to the story and characters."
"I would recommend this book to anyone over 18.If you could / wished to turn Edges and the Art of Eros series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
There are some difficult issues that are dealt with including rape and sexual abuse."
"My dream team would be Chris Hemsworth and Blake Lively. I don’t think they have done a movie together but I would love to see it. I think Chris has the strength yet kindness to him. Blake has the ability to be very strong yet she’s naturally beautiful."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I do like to write romantic suspense. The reader can be pulled in so many directions. I like to keep them guessing. However, after this series is complete, I will be diving into writing a contemporary romance. I don’t see myself writing paranormal because I think it takes a unique thought process and one hell of an imagination."What is your writing process?
"My writing process now includes using an outline. I find that I need the structure of it. It helps guide my thoughts, look for pieces that may not fit, and give a more cohesive storyline. The outline gives me a visual on exactly what’s going on with all elements of the story. Then I can dive in and give it life."What is in store next?
"My next book is the last in this series. It will focus on the youngest sister, Raquelle. She’s a portrait artist who is very feisty, talented, and emotional. The reader finds out how Leigha’s father, the Russians, and all their secrets go together.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
Of course, Raquelle finds love but not without a twist. I’m excited to write it and share the final book."
"I used to be a portrait artist. My portraits were mostly of children. Like each book you write, each painting also is like a birth. The creative process is something that comes from within your soul. It’s part of you and will always be part of you. You just need to know when to let go.Wow, that's beautiful. You are a very talented lady!
Here is a portrait I think could be of Leigha. I painted long before I wrote her story."
Thank you again for being with us today, Kenzie.
And you can see more artwork by Kenzie on her Pinterest page.
You won't see it coming. Leigha didn't.
Will she find her strength under the lies?
Will she find her strength under the lies?
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