This is the third book in the The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters series.
PREVIEW: Check out our the book's synopsis, our Exclusive Excerpt, and the Kindle Cloud Reader Preview below, as well as full details of the series.
Author S.R. Cronin will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.
Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), reviews (✍) and guest blog posts (✉).
|| Synopsis || Teaser: Exclusive Excerpt || Teaser: KCR Preview || The Series || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||
Do you know what your problem is?Sulphur knows hers. This 13th-century woman has trained as a fighter all her life in hopes of joining the army. Then, within days, both of her older sisters announce plans and suddenly Sulphur is expected to find a man to marry instead.
Is it her good fortune her homeland is gripped by fear of a pending invasion and the army now goes door to door encouraging recruits? Sulphur thinks it is. But once she’s forced to kill in a small skirmish, she’s ready to rethink her career decision.
Too bad it’s too late. The invasion is coming, and Ilari needs every good soldier it has.
Once Sulphur learns Ilari’s army has made the strategic decision to not defend certain parts of the realm, including the one where her family lives, she has to re-evaluate her loyalty. Is it with the military she’s always admired? Or is it with her sisters, who are hatching a plan to defend their homeland with magic?
The problem with being a woman who fights for what’s right is that now, she has to figure out what is.
Teaser: Exclusive Excerpt
(contains references to sex)The next days were the best of my life. I got the chance to spar with different weapons, and to show what all my hard work had taught me. I knew I was quick and strong, and for once, when others noticed it too, they didn’t regard me as a freak. Instead, they saw me as talented. I was about to be assigned to a squad and given real duties.
Then someone pointed out that Kolada approached. Possum scump.
Ilari celebrates eight holidays: the two equinoxes, the two solstices, and the four points in between, with drinking, feasting, dancing, and a good deal of sex. Young unmarried tidzys of both genders are granted almost unlimited freedom for a few nights, as they experiment and seek out a mate. Meanwhile, couples, married or otherwise, go to extra lengths to be together.
The holidays had been a problem for me since I left childhood. I was too strong to attract many boys, and those who liked me seemed to want things I didn’t. I took fighting seriously; I had no urge to mix it with tenderness. The males I ended up with seldom gave me pleasure.
I tried the alternative. Although girls weren’t supposed to pair off with other girls everyone knew it happened. Once again, my strength and style worked against me. I seemed to attract girls who wanted a boy, not me, and these girls seldom gave me pleasure either.
I supposed sex could be a lot of fun; most others sure seemed to get a kick out of it. But honestly, I didn’t understand all the fuss. I’d have been fine if the holidays never happened.
Worse yet, I had no idea what the rules were in my new profession. There had to be nine Svadlu men for every woman. Most grown men in Ilari were wed, but the army had a larger proportion of single men. Would they expect me to …. scump, I hoped not. What about the other women?
Just when things were going so well.
Maybe I could feign an illness through the celebration. I wondered if Tamara could help. She could at least give me some information.
The Series: The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters
The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters consists of seven short companion novels. Each tells the personal story and perspective of one of seven radically different sisters in the 1200s as they prepare for an invasion of their realm. While these historical fantasy/alternate history books can be enjoyed as stand-alone novels, together they tell the full story of how Ilari survived.Which sister do you think saved the realm? That will depend on whose story you read.
|| [1] || [2] || [4] ||
Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
She's the One Who Thinks Too Much [1]
Do you know what your problem is?
Ryalgar knows hers. People have been telling this over-educated 13th-century woman for years. So when an equally intellectual prince decides he loves her, it looks like everyone was wrong and her dreams have come true.
Except, this prince is obligated to marry another. He is leading the army training to defend their tiny realm against an expected Mongol invasion. And he is considering sacrificing Ryalgar’s home nichna by abandoning it’s rich farmlands to their foes. If only he wasn’t such a nice guy. Another woman would …..
Ryalgar has no idea what another would do. All she knows is she has a multitude of university intellectuals and a family of tough farmers behind her, and a newfound connection with the witches in the forest. Why not devise her own strategy to keep the invaders from destroying her home? Then she can figure out what to do about this problem prince.
It’s just the sort of thing that happens when a woman thinks too much.SIS
[Published 12 November 2020, 236 pages]
She's the One Who Cares Too Much [2]
Do you know what your problem is?
Coral knows hers. People have been telling this tenderhearted 13th-century woman for years. So when a heroic army officer proposes, she decides she's stronger than people realize and her dreams have come true.
Except, the perfect man turns out to be less than ideal. And she's gotten pregnant. And her homeland is gripped with fear of a pending Mongol invasion and she cries about everything now that she's with child.
When a friend suggests the ever-caring Coral possesses a power well beyond what anyone imagines, Coral's sister decides this formidable talent is what the realm needs. Can Coral raise a baby, placate an absent military husband who thinks he's stopping the invasion, and help her sister save her homeland?
This is just the sort of problem encountered by a woman who cares too much.
[Published 12 February 2021, 234 pages]
She's the One Who Doesn't Say Much [4]
**Available for Pre-Order**
Do you know what your problem is?
Olivine knows hers. This quiet thirteen century artist has been hiding a secret as she travels to K'ba to meet her friends. Others assume she's fallen in love with another artist, and it's not a match Mother would consider suitable. But it's much worse than that. For on the way to K'ba is the dirt poor nichna of Scrud, a place scorned by other Ilarians. And in Scrud is the one man who understands her.
However, Bohdan recognizes the dangers posed by an impending Mongol invasion. When he learns of Olivine's unusual visual powers, he convinces her to pick up her bow and start practicing.
She does, though she's more concerned with producing enough art to run away from home and live in K'ba, where she can paint all day and see Bohdan as often as she wants. If only her sister hadn't learned of what she can do and decided Olivine and her fellow long-eyes hold one of the keys to defending the realm.
Then, as if life wasn't complicated enough, Olivine learns the artist community she yearns to be part of has developed a different take on the invasion. They're certain the only way to survive is to capitulate completely to the Mongols demands. Artists who feel otherwise are no longer welcome.
Where does her future lie? The supposed invasion is coming soon and Olivine doesn't have much time to decide.
[Publication date 13 August 2021, TBA pages]
About the Author

She’s made a lot of stops along the way to writing these novels. She’s lived in seven cities, visited forty-six countries, and worked as a waitress, technical writer, and geophysicist. Now she answers a hot-line. Along the way, she’s lost several cats but acquired a husband who still loves her and three kids who’ve grown up just fine, both despite how eccentric she is.
All her life she has wanted to either tell these kinds of stories or be Chief Science Officer on the Starship Enterprise. She now lives and writes in the mountains of Western North Carolina, where she admits to occasionally checking her phone for a message from Captain Picard, just in case.
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Thank you for hosting!
Thank you for featuring my book and for including the information on the rest of the series! What a beautifully done post.
Looks like a good series.
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