"I didn't want to read about yet another adventure of the famous detective wrapped in a modern, current setting. [...] the book gains new strengths and perspectives. The mystery deepens, the action precipitates and it gets the prospect of a true rollercoaster of happenings. If you only expect assumptions, shaking the pipe and expressions like "Elementary my dear Watson", I tell you frankly that will not be so. [...]a mystery that I strongly believe you will like, and not just those who are in love with the genre." - MythicalBooks
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A very warm welcome to David Siegel Bernstein; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Poisoned Pawn, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
What was the inspiration for Poisoned Pawn?
David, thank you so much for sharing this lovely picture with us! We hope you are having a great tour!
Poisoned Pawn
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Poisoned Pawn, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
"I want to start by thanking BooksChatter for taking the time and space for this interview.
This is my Poisoned Pawn Song List (Yes, it is pretty dark… so is the novel)"
"In broad sense, a lifetime of reading and watching mysteries. Thanks to my mother and grandmother, I had read a library’s worth of books before I left high school. With my father, I watched just about every mystery ever aired on PBS and BBC.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
For Poisoned Pawn, I wanted to combine a few ideas that have been haunting me (and ultimately my main characters). I can’t get any more specific because that would ruin the mystery. Sorry."
"Full disclosure, my mysteries are works of fiction, not autobiographical. The only weapon I wield in real life is a sharp tongue to cut down my critics… errr, I mean my enemies. My hidden backup piece is my wit. Rarely used, I’m told.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Poisoned Pawn - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do (been training since I was a wee lad) and I’ve taught martial art classes at the university where I did my undergraduate work. This is the style of fighting Poisoned Pawn main character Caleb uses in fight scenes. I have also endowed him with a heaping of my scepticism and sarcasm.
Obviously, Holmes represents my brilliance."
"The cover art was created by Ginnefine. I’m happy to say it won her the American Graphic Design Award.Why should we read Poisoned Pawn and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
Now to answer the question: what the heck is it all about? It is an exposed chess pawn, waiting to be captured. It is poisoned. This is a chess term for when a player sacrifices a pawn in return for a superior position. This is something the baddie does in Poisoned Pawn.
Who is the sacrifice? Come on, take the pawn. I know you want to."
"The modern mystery screams for a thriller component mashed up with sexual tension. Poisoned Pawn yells back with a fast-paced story loaded with femme and homme fatales.Can you tell us something quirky about Poisoned Pawn, its story and characters?
It is also about the perfect crime and getting away with it… almost."
"Poisoned Pawn is the story of Caleb Jacob, a man with a dark past. After serving on a failed dark ops assignment in Afghanistan, he leaves Marine Corps Intelligence to try to build a new life in Philadelphia as a homicide police detective.Who would you recommend Poisoned Pawn to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
In this novel, he is forced to partner up with a private investigator named Lawrence Holmes. The PI is an irritation to the police, but he is unmistakably brilliant. And, many powerful people in the city owe him favors. Holmes is a bit odd. He insists on calling Jacobs Watson but claims to never have heard the name Sherlock."
"Due to adult situations Poisoned Pawn is for mature audiences. Other than that, it is for anyone who likes mystery.If you could / wished to turn Poisoned Pawn and the Caleb Jacobs series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
Caleb’s capabilities are reminiscent of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher while Holmes’ antics provide humorous relief. The loyal readers of authors like Child and Patterson will enjoy Poisoned Pawn."
"Here is the cast:What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
David Siegel Bernstein as Caleb Jacobs (okay, maybe not). How about my look-alike Chris Hemsworth? (okay, again maybe not). Let me start again.
Karl Urban or Eric Bana as Caleb Jacobs
Nathan Lane as Holmes
Janel Parrish as Kayla Jacobs
Will Smith as Jerry Warren
Lucy Liu as Margret,
Margot Robbie as Penelope
Jackie Earle Haley as Mongrave
Tim Roth as a really cool thug.
Toby Jones as a random criminal.
Location would be Philadelphia and certain locations in Europe and the Middle East.
J.J. Abrams would direct."
"I like writing about science and science fiction. My book Blockbuster Science: The Real Science in Science Fiction is a mashup of these interests.What is your writing process?
I write a lot of science fiction, including science fiction mystery. If you do a hard search you just might find some poetry under my name."
"My process is a messy one. I write when I have the free time and in almost any location. I do not use an outline. I let the story unfold organically as I work on maintaining a daily word count. Usually, the characters tell me where they want to go. I do workshop parts in a writing group I lead."What is in store next?
"I’m working on the next book in the Caleb Jacobs series titled The Queen’s Gambit. A frighteningly skilled assassin hires Jacobs to find someone she wants to protect from herself.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
I’m also working on a science fiction novel set on a planet where time is literally a currency. The wealthy live for hundreds of years in dewy youth while the poor are geriatric."
"To go with my tough guy motif, I own a Toy Poodle named Ringo Biggles Woofington."Hello Ringo! Oh, wow, what a gorgeous boy! (and very manly, of course) Lots of head-scratches and belly-rubs to you :-) And I love that smile :-)
David, thank you so much for sharing this lovely picture with us! We hope you are having a great tour!
Ringo appreciates your kind words and head scratch!
Just finishing up Poisoned Pawn, an excellent read I might add, and am looking forward to the next Caleb Jacobs story.
Thank you for hosting
Great interview
I enjoyed the interview!
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