"With a broken stone clenched tight in her hand, twelve-year-old Katya flees the Soviet Union for an uncertain future in 1930s Germany. Will it be a better place for kulak orphans like her?
Will her broken stone help or hinder her growth into young adulthood?"
Author Q&A | Synopsis | The Series | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
A very big welcome to Gabriele Goldstone; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
Red Stone and Broken Stone explain that you "inherited scattered bits of [your] mother's memories, overshadowed by Stalin and Hitler and shaped them into the fictional character of Katya Halter. [You also] travelled to Ukraine and searched through former KGB files to find missing pieces-along with the red stone that symbolizes Katya's home."
How much of yourself is reflected in this series, and how?
In memory of Buddy, who was a beautiful and very happy dog, judging by that picture :-)
Thank you so much for sharing him with us, we know how hard it is to lose our furry friends...
We wish you all the best for the current book tour and hope to see you again!
Broken Stone
Red Stone and Broken Stone explain that you "inherited scattered bits of [your] mother's memories, overshadowed by Stalin and Hitler and shaped them into the fictional character of Katya Halter. [You also] travelled to Ukraine and searched through former KGB files to find missing pieces-along with the red stone that symbolizes Katya's home."
How much of yourself is reflected in this series, and how?
"I did not set out to write about myself, and yet when I look back I can see pieces of me scattered throughout. It’s kind of scary actually. How did that happen? "The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Broken Stone - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I didn’t choose the concept. The book designer, Mel Matheson, did ask me for some ideas but I had no idea which way she was going with them. I love the cover, it immediately places the story into a time period."Why should we read Broken Stone and what sets it apart from the rest?
"I want readers to appreciate that there are stories behind photographs, that there are characters that were once as real as you and me."Why this particular series?
"Much has been written about the war. There have been so many books about the terrible Germans. This trilogy (a third book is planned) is about the families that embraced the promises of Hitler. How could they, you ask? And could something like that happen to us? Aren’t we so much more clever than to fall for the propaganda of a new leader? The other reason I wrote this is because many Germans immigrated to Canada after the Second World War. Guilt and shame made them hide from their past by focusing on their future—their children. I grew up in that cloud of shame and I know that people like my parents...the guilty Germans...were human and suffered personal tragedies just like the Allies. These are the books I wish I could have read when I was growing up."Can you tell us something quirky about Broken Stone, its story and characters?
"I don’t know if this is quirky, or not, but I held a broken piece of red granite from my trips to Ukraine, throughout most of my writing. The red granite came from the foundation of my grandfather’s former windmill near Zhitomir, about an hour west of Kiev. The other part of that stone is now buried with my mother who passed away in 2011."Who would you recommend Broken Stone to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I recommend this book to anyone who wants a more complete picture of the Second World War. Like the Chinese folktale about the seven blind mice—it takes many tiny mice to get a complete picture of the elephant. I especially recommend this book to people interested in the German population that was directly involved in the war—the post war refugees—who came to Canada and the USA. More than eleven million Germans were displaced at the end of the Second World War. Now the world is in the midst of another refugee crisis. Those children will someday want to read their stories, too."If you could / wished to turn Broken Stone and the Katya's Stones series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"The Sound of Music, please! But it could be set here in Manitoba. My mom often said the weather here was just like in East Prussia."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I do love historical fiction. There is so much to explore. I haven’t even started on my dad’s memories. History matters. However, I do love a good ghost story. But then history is about ghosts, isn’t it?"What is your writing process?
"My first book in this series, Red Stone, poured out of me. I couldn’t write fast enough. Broken Stone came out in short scenes, often written early in the morning before work. I explore character and am not bound by outlines, until maybe later when I try and put the scenes together, I find myself struggling. But I find when I do an outline first, I keep making detours and they become more interesting than the outline. I do my writing before noon. Then I switch gears and do my research. I love to research."What is in store next?
"The third book, another one of Katya’s stones, (title still undercover), moves closer towards the outbreak of war. The Nazi influence is everywhere, impossible to avoid. How does Katya handle it? And, she is getting older, so there just might be a love story involved."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My beloved dog, Buddy, just passed on in October. I am still grieving his loss, he was a most amazing dog. Honestly, the most gentle, loving yellow lab cross ever! Buddy and I walked forest trails daily and he taught me much about love and life. Thanks for asking and thanks for your time!"
In memory of Buddy, who was a beautiful and very happy dog, judging by that picture :-)
Thank you so much for sharing him with us, we know how hard it is to lose our furry friends...
We wish you all the best for the current book tour and hope to see you again!
Broken Stone
Available NOW!

1 comment:
Thank you for promoting Broken Stone. I know it's a busy time of year. Good time to recharge with a cup of tea and maybe a book?
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