Published 19 January 2014 by Gray Skies Publishing
Number of pages: 11
My rating: ★ ★ ★ I liked it
"A shed full of macabre secrets... A wife gone crazy... A nine-year-old girl that must die.
Jonah fights for his life while trying to stop his deranged wife from killing their daughter in the name of the Lord.
Sometimes, the Devil truly is in the details.
**Warning: Madeline is a short HORROR story not intended for anyone who may be offended by graphic language or scenes of violence. Please, don’t read this story if you are squeamish or easily offended.
Madeline (A Short Horror Story) [2nd revised edition] is a lightning fast read (11 pages), with really good pace.
The author transports us vividly in Jonah's nightmare, at the end of his working day, when all he wished to do was kick back and relax...

There is some strong language and some violence and gore, but I never found it to be gratuitous or overdone.
This item also includes a taster of Treed (A Short Horror Story), which I am looking forward to reading.