"Gardner tackles difficult topics, including bullying and abuse of all types, in a way that is both artistic and respectful. Given these weighty and emotional issues, the book is masterfully written in such a way that it is a pleasure to read." --BookTrib
"Speak No Evil is a touching tribute to the power of love, faith and steadfast, patient kindness to heal the damage done by human cruelty and thoughtlessness." --IndieReader
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The Power of Music in Speak No Evil
by Liana GardnerHave you ever listened to a song and realized it conveys exactly how you’re feeling? The way the melody and rhythm intertwine to create the mood and the lyrics express feelings in such an eloquent way, your own words pale in comparison?
Music is such a powerful force, I don’t think I’ve ever run across anyone who hasn’t been able to answer those questions with a firm yes. I learned the power of music as a storyteller as a child as I listened to Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf again and again. The theme by the string section gives a joyous lift, while the melancholy notes from the oboe bring to mind the silly Sonia and a pensiveness as to her fate.
Most of the time, before I was able to start putting words on the page, I had to listen to song after song on YouTube until I found a new one to add to the playlist. For previous books, I needed to listen to familiar songs, ones where I knew all the lyrics, so this was a new frontier on the writing side for me. I enjoyed finding new artists and unique twists to covers. or example, one of my finds was the Major to Minor series by Chase Holfelder. Through my wanderings I ran across his rendition of Girls Just Want to Have Fun and was hooked by his talent, and the major to minor concept and how it changes the mood of the song.
When Dr. Kane asks her how she felt at her mother’s funeral, Melody’s response was to share The Sun Doesn’t Shine On Me Anymore. The death of her mother was the catalyst for her entire life to be turned upside down and Lucas penned the below lyrics which hit me right in the feels because it summed up exactly how Melody felt.
I am too young
To feel this way
Forever eclipsed
By a darkened day
The sun doesn’t shine
On me anymore
Afraid of not knowing
What I have to live for.
Through all the trauma that she has gone through: losing her parents, foster care placement upheaval, and several types of abuse, music has been her only constant; the thing that has never let her down. So when she speaks up about things and her situation goes from bad to worse, she becomes increasingly silent until she simply ceases talking or communicating with anyone. She clings to an old MP3 player, a Christmas gift from several years prior, because it is a reminder of her past when she was loved.
Sing the song of your heart has become a catchline for the book. We have coupled it with a symbol—a bass clef and upside-down treble clef which form a heart—as a message of courage and hope.
Thanks to BooksChatter for hosting me today.
What a great and interesting post! Really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again for hosting the guest post and adding such awesome videos into it. Such a pleasure.
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