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Wednesday 17 April 2019

ℚ♫ Soup: The Future Is Past And Present [1] - Travis Haugen

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Soup: The Future Is Past And Present (, FriesenPress, 300 pages), an Interactive Musical Thriller, realised in collaboration with his niece Candy Haugen.

"I liked the author's knowledge of futuristic technology. I also found it innovative to be able to experience the events in the story more vividly by being able to link to the music that went along with the lyrics. The mystery unfolded gradually until it reached a page-turning climax. This is a winner!" ~ Amazon Reviewer

"The book's timeline alternates seamlessly between the past and present. As a musician writing about musicians, the author provides an insightful perspective. I really liked the unique interactive aspect of the book--song links are included throughout the book. The music selections enhance the overall reading enjoyment and listening to the songs is as simple as clicking on the colored links."
~ Amazon Review

|| Synopsis || Trailer & Intros || Teaser: KCR Preview || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||

A very warm welcome to Travis Haugen; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

We love music so we are particularly excited about your book, Soup: The Future Is Past And Present, an Interactive Musical Thriller; tell us more.

"All of the original music featured in SOUP is available at  The songs are not background music, they are integral to the plot itself.  The songs are meant to interact with the website as the reader is reading.

The aim of the book, beyond the plot itself, is to take the reader on stage with the performers, or into the recording studio as a song is being recorded, or to bring the reader to the point of creation as the song is being written."
And here are a few selected pieces from the book's soundtrack; enjoy!
What was the inspiration for Soup: The Future Is Past And Present?
"My life.  I spent over 40 years touring through Canada and the United States as a professional musician.  I took those experiences and wrapped them around a fictional character named Scott Yonge.

Scott Yonge is a Canadian Prairie boy who marries a small town girl from Oklahoma and settles in United States to raise a family and live a peaceful life.  It did not quite turn out as peaceful as he would wish, lol."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Soup: The Future Is Past And Present - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"The idea of the Canada Goose becomes evident very soon in the book.  The goose was taken from an illustration by a young artist from Calgary, Alberta, named Haley Craw. Hailey is currently living in the UK studying her art.

Now, the first thing that strikes you as you look at the cover, is the colour Sky Blue. That fountain fill colour has become our brand.  That colour came from my niece, Candy Haugen.  Candy also came up with the phrase, ‘An Interactive Musical Thriller’.  That phrase perfectly describes what the book is."

Why should we read Soup: The Future Is Past And Present and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"This book is unique as you cannot get another book like it anywhere else.  Besides the musical interactivity, the plot itself contains elements of mystery, suspense, family drama, romance, political strife, and a little bit of comedy to boot!"
Can you tell us something quirky about Soup: The Future Is Past And Present, its story and characters?
"This book is not about a bunch of musicians travelling around having a gay old time on the road.  We have seen that scenario a thousand times.  The characters are much more introspective, and reflect the real world of working musicians, rather than the stereotypical rock star.

The name, Scott Yonge, comes from the famous street in Toronto, Yonge Street.  Scott Yonge is distinctly Canadian, living in America.

Fun fact, in the story, a neighbour who would watch Michelle’s dog Dag, talked to her plants, believing they were listening.  My grandmother was the inspiration for that character, as she too would talk to her plants.  She had very healthy plants!  lol"
Who would you recommend Soup: The Future Is Past And Present to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I would recommend the book to anyone who is a fan of live music.  We have found it appeals to a wide range of ages, 18 to 85, lol.

While designed to have the reader listen while they read, many have told us that they enjoy reading the songs as poetry and return later to listen to the music.  It is up to the reader’s discretion."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"So far, I have written only this series.  It is what interests me, music, family drama, and interesting characters in an environment of mystery and romance.  I have not thought about writing anything else at this point."
What is your writing process?
"Basically, inspiration for both music and prose happens behind the scenes while I am doing something else.  As for instance while I am riding my bike.  The inspiration hits me throughout the day.  I hold it in my head until I get home, then I put it down in the appropriate media.  I do not work from an outline."
What is in store next?
"I plan to retire from my IT consulting work in September.  I am moving to Edmonton so I can work more closely with my niece, Candy, on completing the next book to be released.  We will also put together the fourth book in the series from snippets and ideas we have gathered to this point."
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My life is much to transient at the point to have a pet, but I am very fond of Candy’s dogs, Carl and Murphy, better known as the comedy team.  Those two, can really ground a person.

I do not have a picture of myself with them, but I do have a picture of Candy with the comedy team, taken shortly after we started working on the project together."
What a beautiful picture; thank you for sharing it with us!

Carl and Murphy, you are absolutely gorgeous boys! Lots of head-scratches and belly-rubs to both of you from all of us at BooksChatter. And of course a big 'hello' to Candy :-)

Join the Yonge family as they embark on a journey of discovery in...

Soup: The Future Is Past And Present
Available NOW!

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Travis Haugen said...

Good morning, BooksChatter,
Thank you for having us, you've done a wonderful post! Candy and I are looking forward to spending the day with you. I'll be out and about with work, and then catching a plane to Edmonton to spend Easter with Candy and the rest of the family out there. Between Candy and myself, we will be around to comment, answer questions, and maybe have a laugh or two. Thanks again, folks!

CANDY Lynn HAUGEN said...

Thank you for hosting! The page looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the release!


CANDY Lynn HAUGEN said...

Thank you!