"Scar Tissue was my first Cole and Callahan Thriller Series read but it won’t be my last. Solid writing and well-developed plot and characters make me want to read more of this investigative team’s stories. Fans of thriller, suspense and women’s fiction will enjoy Scar Tissue. Enjoy!" ~ Felicia Denise, Reviewer
"If you are looking for a mystery that will keep your attention, then give this series a try!" ~ Kathleen Kelly, Reviewer.
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A very warm welcome back to Patricia Hale; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What compelled you to write this particular story, Scar Tissue?
What has been your greatest challenge as a writer?
Scar Tissue
What compelled you to write this particular story, Scar Tissue?
"I like to write stories that are not only mystery / thriller, but that also challenge the reader in some moral way. A story that makes a reader question their own values and consider how they might react in a similar setting.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
In Scar Tissue, a young woman at the top of her game, athletically and academically, commits suicide. As the investigation proceeds and the destruction of three families ensues. Their demise, for the most part, is a result of misguided love."
"I don’t know that there’s any of me personally in the story, but I do have a fascination with family dynamics.What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating this book?
Scar Tissue is full of flawed characters. Some come to us with overtly damaging behaviors, while others are subtle. All of the characters’ actions stem from a deeply disturbed definition of love. There are secrets and lies in “the best of families” and that is what Scar Tissue brings to the reader. If the characters reflect me or my family… I’m in trouble."
"I started out wanting to write a story that had the PI team investigating two cases at once. The first third of the book moved in that vein, but as I got further into it, I realized the two cases were coming together.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Scar Tissue - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
I hadn’t planned it, but I could see how one began to intersect the other and so I went with it. It’s always interesting when a character or plot takes over and begins to direct where the story goes. I think it’s best not to fight it, but go with the flow and see where it takes you."
"The cover was ultimately chosen by my publisher, Intrigue Publishing, though I did have some say in it as well.Why should we read Scar Tissue and the Cole and Callahan PI series, what sets it apart from the rest?
The background color, yellow/gold is in keeping with the first two books in the series, The Church of the Holy Child and Durable Goods.
The needle and the track both allude to Ashley Lambert’s athletic career which is at the heart of the story.
The cover artist is Rae Monet."
"I have read lots of mystery/suspense books. The ones I like best are those that challenge me either in guessing the outcome or by adding a moral dilemma.Can you tell us something quirky about Scar Tissue, its story and characters?
I have added a moral dilemma in all of my stories that will ask the reader to re-evaluate their own beliefs and values. By offering a blend of characters, some easy to care about, some easy to despise and some whose behaviors we understand but cannot agree with, I hope I have provided the reader with people and dilemmas that reach beyond the pages."
"Britt Callahan PI, is a bit of a quirky character and my narrator in all the books.Who would you recommend Scar Tissue to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
She’s impulsive and independent and smokes Honey Berry cigars (much to the chagrin of her professional and romantic partner, Griff Cole). She may not be totally “out there” but in comparison to Griff’s stable, methodical style, she’s unpredictable."
"The books in the Cole & Callahan Thriller series are for anyone who likes a fast read, a page-turner and a good twist.If you could / wished to turn Scar Tissue and the Cole and Callahan series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
Scar Tissue will appeal to readers who are interested in family dynamics and the things we do out of loyalty and love even when they are not the best choices.
Readers who like a strong moral dilemma will also enjoy The Church of the Holy Child, in which a priest hears the confession of a serial killer and must decide between protecting the community and his Holy Orders.
Durable Goods deals with the sex-trafficking industry and is the most graphic of the three books with scenes that some may find disturbing.
There is light romance between Britt and Griff in all three books, alluded to, but not described."
"When I started writing this series, I first named the characters and then began to imagine what they looked like. I surfed the internet, entering names of famous people, putting together the looks I imagined until I nailed it down.
I printed off pictures and hung them over my desk so I could look at Griff and Britt as I wrote about them. Ultimately, I came up Hugh Jackman (no beard) as Griff and Natalie Portman (short hair) as Britt."

"I will probably give the same answer everyone does… time.What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
I have a full-time job, children, grandchildren and two dogs. Finding time to sit down at the computer is very difficult. As I write this, I’m missing my grandson’s football game. I’m hoping to make it up to him with apple picking and pies this afternoon. There’s always someone else that needs my time, be it a husband, a child or a dog, they come to me, car keys in hand or leash in mouth.
As a woman raised in the fifties and sixties, guilt prevails when I want to take time for myself instead of giving my time to someone else. Learning to say no to those I love is a work in progress."
"The toughest criticism was from and agent years ago. I’d submitted a query to her and she asked for the full manuscript. I sent it with much hope, but she replied saying, though the story line was very good, my writing was not good enough.What is in store next?
That was sixteen years ago. I have published four books since then and my writing has improved. That story is still in my drawer and revising it is my next endeavor.
My best compliment came from a letter I received from a reader who said that she’d taken my book out at her local library and after reading it, went to the bookstore and bought it for two reasons. One, because she’d enjoyed it and wanted to own it. Two, because as a mystery writer herself, she wanted to study the techniques I’d used in plot and sub-plot. Receiving that letter made my day."
"As I mentioned, I’m pulling out an old manuscript and revising it with the hope that this time I’ll find representation for it.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
It’s the story of two families, close friends, and what happens to the relationships with each other and within each of the families and marriages in the aftermath of a tragedy.
After an accidental death the families are at odds with each other and a court case is imminent until secrets and lies are exposed that unravel the last of the threads that hold them together."
"The picture is of my two girls, Enya and Muddy."Hello Enya and Muddy! Lovely to see you again; lots of head scratches and belly rubs to both of you!
A tragic death. A neighbor's secret. Risks taken in the name of love.
I love this series and looking forward to her next book about two families. I hope it will be out in the near future!
Thanks for a fun interview, for shining a light on my new release, Scar Tissue, and for making Enya and Muddy famous!
Patricia, do you have a newsletter?
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