My Wonderful Wobbly Life: A Disabled Man’s Autobiography (30 November 2017, BookBaby, 267 pages), is his memoir.
This is a man who, as a child, was told he’d never be able to walk or ride a bike without falling, but who went on to become a Chartered Engineer, technician, businessman, Boy Scout, Freemason, Rotarian, spiritualist, and an advocate for “living life as it was meant to be lived – with LOVE, but without fear.” [...]
“Everything needs to be nurtured” (including yourself) “if it is to reach its full potential,” he writes. Irwin’s style is casual, easy to read, and frank. An inspirational, informative, and entertaining read." - Kimberlee J Benart for Readers’ Favorite, 5 star review
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10 things most people don't know about me
by Charles Irwing
I don’t know why you would want to know about me but, as a ‘blog’ exercise, with my cobbler’s hat on I will bare my soul to you.
I don’t know why you would want to know about me but, as a ‘blog’ exercise, with my cobbler’s hat on I will bare my soul to you.
- Three months ago today I celebrated the 15th anniversary of the day I met my lovely partner.
Our first meeting was at mid-day on 6th June 2013. I was running late because I had been trying to find a public toilet in the town centre. Thank heavens for the Art Centre whose staff toilet I was able to use, much to the relief of my bladder. - My partner and I met through the internet dating site R.S.V.P. and after our first rendezvous I was not sure we would meet again. But the ‘powers that be’ had other ideas.
Since sharing my life with her I have had a wonderful and memorable time. Love and Laughter abound in our home. She is a former teacher of English and Drama so, as a bonus, whatever I write is checked for grammatical correctness. - I am interested in the energies of the universe. Does an angelic realm exist? If so, what is our connection with it?
- The aura of love is the positive energy field I like to generate around myself and project onto the people I meet. Thereby, countering the darkness of negative thought and action, always with the intent ‘as you sow, so shall you reap.’
- I am disabled and funny-peculiar looking in appearance and movement. Made even more so as I age, due to my body having a lodger known as ‘Arthur Ritis’.
Fortunately / Luckily / Surprisingly my disability has very often been an asset to me, especially when debating, or negotiating a business deal. Opponents think my eyes do not see, nor my brain conceive, the wool they are trying to pull over them. - One of my interests is giving talks to different groups of people and trying to inspire them. I endeavour to generate vibrations of positivity among the listeners that I hope they will try to hold onto when my talk is over.
- I am drawn to, and appreciate, all things Scottish, including Scottish country dancing, Highland Dress, Haggis, the various accents and of course ‘Single Malt’ whiskey (uisge-beatha) water of life.
- When ‘Evening Dress’ is required to be worn on a formal occasion, I like to wear Highland Dress, including the Kilt. My preferred choice of casual dress is a sarong, or kaftan. I like my dangly bits to dangle.
- I am inquisitive and like to learn new things, know things and especially understand how they work. When attending a lecture, if I hear something I don’t understand, I will ask for clarification.
Today there are so many ‘experts’ giving talks and pontificating about topics they don’t really understand they must hide their lack of knowledge and speak in “Government” lingo, using the maximum number of words to give the minimum amount of information.
Speeches by public servants abound with such ‘gobble-de-gook’. My mission is to expose the misinformation which is used to conceal their inadequacies. - I am ‘A devil’s advocate’. As such I take every opportunity to put peoples’ hypotheses to the test by countering their arguments. In that way I need to quickly put ‘my little grey cells’ to work.
The story of the trials and tribulations which Charles, a physically handicapped person, overcame to be accepted by society. Each chapter describes an aspect of his life, followed by a lesson telling what it taught him.
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