“Author Nightingale’s writing has a lyrical quality, darkly poetic in some aspects, but always descriptive and entertaining. She has a way with words bordering on the style of Oscar Wilde, teetering on the epigram, bon mots with a deeply sensual attitude." – Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody – New York Journal of Books
March and Christian will live on in your imagination long after you turn the last page." – Love For Sale -- Showmethelove
|| The Books: Love For Sale * Morgan D'Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||
A very warm welcome to Linda Nightingale; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody , or which inspired you whilst you were writing them?
What was the inspiration for Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody ?
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Please tell us about your cover for Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody.
Can you tell us something quirky about these books, their stories and characters?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
We are hoping you are having a great tour!
Unlikely soul mates, a disillusioned dreamer and an android identical to human, find their love, indeed their lives threatened by her past and his future.
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody , or which inspired you whilst you were writing them?
"While writing Rhapsody, I listened to the four tracks below."
What was the inspiration for Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody ?
How much of yourself is reflected in these books, and how?"There are so many things I could list as an inspiration for Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody! A bit of music, a lyric from a song—sometimes an entire chapter will be inspired by a piece of music. The main inspiration is Morgan himself who was my dream man created on paper, to my exacting specifications. When I write, he takes the ball and runs with it.
Love For Sale was inspired by a book I read as a young woman. I was a member of the Science Fiction Book Club, and one day Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee arrived. Many years later when I picked up my pen again (after some rather bad criticism of my work) I remembered Silver Metal Lover and wrote my own sci-fi romance."
"In Love For Sale, the heroine is a legal assistant for an oil company and later migrates to a firm that handles patents. I held both of these positions in my career before I retired in 2014.
In Rhapsody, Morgan is an avid horseman. I love horses, particularly the Andalusian. I bred that spectacular breed for thirteen years and enjoyed every minute. If I get started about the Andalusian, we’ll be here until midnight."

"All of my great covers for The Wild Rose Press were created by Debbie Taylor. She’s a splendid artist and a nice person to boot! When I decided to independently publish a book, The Summoning, Debbie did that cover for me too."Why should we read Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"In Rhapsody, Morgan sets the book apart. Reviewers have called him: “a tour de force” and “sexy as all get out”. He brings his own passion to his stories.And here is Rebecca telling us about both books and reading us a couple of samples!
You should read the book because you want to, I suppose—and to meet Morgan, of course! It is a series of stories about Morgan and can be listened to at your leisure.
Uncaged Book Reviews said of the book: “this collection has me wanting to know more about Morgan, a vampire that is both one to love…and one to fear, the way vampires should be.”
I read somewhere that in the near future most people will have an android lover. You should listen to Love For Sale to see what’s in store for you and your shiny new boyfriend!
The tag line is ‘her past and his future’ threaten their happiness, indeed their lives.’ How is it different? LFS is an adult coming of age story. March slowly discovers herself as she falls in love with Christian.
Both Love For Sale and Rhapsody are narrated by Rebecca McKernan. She brings the books to life with her characterization and classy English accent. Her voice will enchant you for hours."
"If I’d had a third son, I’d have named him Christian.Who would you recommend Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
I love the name but I liked Simon and Ian better. Quirky about Rhapsody? Let’s see. Well, my ex-husband who had degree in biology but worked in computers helped me work out the anthrax strain that destroyed vampires and even had be set it in Andorra between England and France."
"Both books are spicy and have sensual love scenes. They don’t mention specific body parts but are definitely, well, spicy."If you could / wished to turn Love For Sale & Vampyre Rhapsody into movies, who would be your dream team?
"I honestly don’t watch many movies or TV.
For Rhapsody, Morgan would be Johnny Depp, each heroine would be a different actress. Where Isabeau appears, she would be Michelle Pfeiffer. I think Susan Sarandon would be Amber Wolfe in Devil’s Waltz."

"I do write what I like to read but I read and write outside my preferences, I have one contemporary, a romantic suspense, a dark fantasy, a sci-fi romance, several vampire novels and 3 erotic romances under the pen name Bianca Swan."What is your writing process?
"I write best when the mood strikes me. I write best in the very early morning."What is in store next?
"My editor has Sinners’s Opera after the rights reverted to me, and I’m writing the prequel Sinners’ Waltz."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"I have no pets, but I’m attaching a photo of Bonito (my Andalusian stallion) and me at an exhibition in North Carolina to the music from “Phantom of the Opera.” He was my soul-mate."What a beautiful and majestic animal. Thank you for sharing Bonito with us - we love this picture :-)
We are hoping you are having a great tour!
Unlikely soul mates, a disillusioned dreamer and an android identical to human, find their love, indeed their lives threatened by her past and his future.
Love For Sale
Journey through the centuries with a sensual, handsome vampire - his dreams and his many loves - searching for the woman to finally become his wife ... through eternity.
Thank you for hosting
Somehow, I missed commenting on this blog, and I want to thank you for the best job I've ever seen on a blog. Well done and thank you oodles and oodles! Linda
This has been a wonderful blog, and I was happy to get to know Linda Nightingale better and her writing life. Write on, Linda!
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