Joyce McPherson rated it Five Stars:
"I love Sophie Washington! Her chapter book has just the right balance of real life and excitement that will appeal to early readers. More important, this story shares a vital message: even if it is unpopular to “snitch,” everyone needs to stand up to bullies and tell the truth.
I enjoyed how the author weaves in Sophie’s relationship with her little brother and how she grows through this relationship as well. Sophie is a believable character with foibles just like all of us, and her experiences will delight kids from first to fifth grade."
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A very warm welcome to Tonya Ellis; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Thank you Tonya for sharing with us your music playlist for The Snitch - enjoy!
What was the inspiration for The Snitch?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
The Snitch
Thank you Tonya for sharing with us your music playlist for The Snitch - enjoy!
"I was inspired to write Sophie Washington: The Snitch after my daughter and her friends were shoved around by a bully at her school. They were more concerned about being called “snitches” for turning the bully in than in stopping the abuse."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I have a sarcastic sense of humor, which probably comes through in the exchanges between Sophie and her bratty, younger brother Cole. I’m the mother of three and spend a lot of time around kids as a carpool driver, Room Mom, chaperone, etc. so I get lots of great material listening to what the children say and do. I have years of writing experience working as a journalist and a freelance feature story writer for a Houston, Texas area family magazine."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for The Snitch - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"The artist who draws the covers for my books is named Mike Ruolngul and he is with a company called Massive Brain.Why should we read The Snitch and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
I come up with concept ideas and email them to him, then he creates the image. I may make a few changes to the colors he uses and that’s it. He does a great job bringing my visions to life and I have been thrilled with his work.
Sophie Washington: The Snitch is all about the children keeping a secret, and that is reflected in the cover image with Sophie holding her finger in front of her mouth in a shushing motion and them all having fearful expressions."
"My Sophie Washington book series deals with common middle grade issues like bullying, handing social media and video games, fitting in and puppy love, but with a Texas twist. Sophie and her friends see things like 8-foot-long alligators, wild boar and buzzards in their neighborhoods, and they experience floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters."Can you tell us something quirky about The Snitch, its story and characters?
"An interesting twist to the storyline in Sophie Washington: The Snitch is that there may be aliens in the attic at one point.Who would you recommend The Snitch to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
Names of the characters are figments of my imagination, though Sophie’s name is a variation of my daughters’."
"I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes an exciting, funny and heartwarming middle grade tale that will entertain, inspire and educate.If you could / wished to turn The Snitch and the Sophie Washington series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
Sophie Washington: The Snitch is a family-oriented book that is suitable for all and appeals to readers young and old."
"I’d let the team at Disney help me choose a director.
I might use a younger China Anne McClain as Sophie and cast a young Justin Timberlake as Nathan Jones. A younger Zendaya could be Sophie’s best friend Chloe, and Lanie the bully could be the actress who plays the child version of Kate on the show This Is Us [Mackenzie Hancsicsak]."

"My four published books are in my children’s book series so that is my genre lane right now.What is your writing process?
I read historical romance, autobiographies and suspense novels in my free time, but also go through lots of KidLit to stay current with what’s popular. I might try my hand at writing a romance in the future."
"Just do it! Sit at my desk, turn on the computer and write. I don’t have any set rituals.What is in store next?
I make a loose outline when I’m starting a book using my chapter headings as guidelines. Sometimes the story may move me in a different direction than what I’d planned, but I generally get the key elements down in outline form before beginning.
I prefer to write in a quiet place but have been able to get chapters finished while waiting for my kids at their clubs and sports team practices."
"I’m releasing the fifth book in my series, Sophie Washington: Hurricane. In this book Sophie learns lessons about gratefulness after her family is evacuated from their home during a natural disaster.Love turtles! Thank you for sharing :-)
In the next month or two I’ll be starting a book where Sophie takes a trip to South America. My son got a pet turtle this Christmas so look for him to make an appearance in the book."
Thanks for hosting!
I really enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!
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