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“First-rate police procedural novel, fast-paced and absorbing thriller. Dickason's plot is taut and unrolls beautifully. Will have serial killer mystery fans and paranormal urban fantasy junkies alike getting excited over a new series which has something for just about everyone. A compelling debut novel.” ~ Five Stars: Readers’ Favorite Review
“A riveting high stake read which cleverly fuses a police procedural with the allure of paranormal fiction, Sentinels of the Night proves an edgy and notable debut for Dickason with the promise of more to come.” ~ Book Viral Review
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A very warm welcome to Anita Dickason; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Sentinels of the Night?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
Sentinels of the Night
What was the inspiration for Sentinels of the Night?
"Early in my law enforcement career, I crossed paths with a serial killer. He was ultimately convicted on fourteen counts of murder, but was a suspect in several others, though it couldn’t be proved.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
I have never forgotten the dead look in his eyes. It was if nothing was alive, no feeling or emotion. I used that experience to create the character of the serial killer, and that became the basis of the plot for Sentinels of the Night."
"OMG—A lot. I have twenty-seven years of experience as a cop, twenty-two with the Dallas Police Department. I was a patrol officer, undercover narcotics officer, advanced accident investigator and was on the Dallas SWAT team. I was a unit sniper as well as on the entry team. Since I write about crime, it would be impossible to keep me out of the book.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Sentinels of the Night - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
The opening scene in Sentinels of the Night has FBI Agent Cat Morgan and her partner chasing a killer in the middle of the night in a railroad yard. This happened, though, I wasn’t chasing a killer. A guy jumped out of a stolen car and was on the run. I know how it felt to dodge around railroad cars and hop over tracks. There are several others."
"During the last few years, I’ve discovered I have a talent for graphics design. I had to buy a new computer this year because my old one didn’t have enough oomph to drive the graphic software that I use.Why should we read Sentinels of the Night and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
The cover design is mine. The eyes of the owls’ link to Agent Cat Morgan’s unusual paranormal ability. They are the guardians of the night, the messengers of death. The moon sinking into a red sea relates to the dream sequences that Cat Morgan experiences throughout the book."
"My background adds credibility to my novels. I know how cops think and what it takes to run an investigation. Some of the reviews I have received seem to agree with my assessment. I am also infatuated with Native American myths and Scottish and Irish folklore and is the basis for the paranormal elements I use."Can you tell us something quirky about Sentinels of the Night, its story and characters?
"During my research on Native American myths, I came across a woman, Alice C Fletcher (1838-1923). She was an American ethnologist, anthropologist, and social scientist who studied and documented American Indian culture.Who would you recommend Sentinels of the Night to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
This was a woman who was ahead of her time in a man’s world. She lived with the Indians and translated the chants used in their ceremonies as well as their stories, and then wrote a book about it.
That is where I found my paranormal element. Owls are considered the messenger of death. Dying is crossing over the owl’s bridge to the other side.
I used one of her translations at the beginning of the book."
"I tried to hold the graphic descriptions to a minimum, but the book does deal with a serial killer. I wouldn’t recommend it for a child, but most teenagers and up see a lot worse on TV now days."If you could / wished to turn Sentinels of the Night and the Trackers series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Getting a TV or movie contract is probably every author’s dream come true. It certainly is mine, and again I come back to the reviews. A couple have expressed the opinion they could see the book as a movie or TV series.
I am a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes and have read every book Sir Conan Doyle ever wrote. The one person that I would like to see would be Benedict Cumberbatch as Scott Fleming. Fleming is the mysterious power behind the Tracker Unit. Oh, yeah, it wouldn’t get any better than that."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I write the type of books that I enjoy reading, crime thrillers with a touch of paranormal and light romance.What is your writing process?
Sentinels of the Night is the debut novel for the Trackers, a paranormal FBI unit. I might try for some diversity in the future, but right now, I am having fun with the characters in the Tracker Unit."
"Structured is the most descriptive term. I have a notepad beside my keyboard, and keep endless notes. One list is for the character names. Another for locations. I use the headings in the Navigation bar to add notes.What is in store next?
One of the reasons is that I use a complex shift of multiple POVs (point of view) between characters and locations. Keeping track of who knew what and when can be difficult."
"The Tracker books are standalone novels. In each, a different agent takes center stage. Going Gone! is the second and is available at all retail outlets. Children of high-ranking politicians are being kidnapped. With no ransom demands, no one can figure out why, until Tracker Ryan Barr takes over along with an ex-homicide detective turned private investigator Kerry Branson. It is a non-stop, action filled novel.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
The third Tracker novel will, hopefully, be completed by the first of the year. I don’t have a title yet. Tracker Adrian Dillard is sent to Laredo, Texas to investigate the disappearance of an ATF agent. What he finds will send shockwaves throughout the law enforcement community even to the White House."
"Alas, no pets. I am still an outdoors type person. What gets me away from the endless hours I spend on my computer is my shotgun. I have a range a few miles from home and can be found there at least two or three times a week as I love to shoot Trap. Since, I live in Texas, I have a climate that lets me shoot most of the year."Thank you for sharing!
"Thank you for hosting my book."
Wow! I love your blog site, and the interview looks amazing. Seeing that picture of Benedict Cumberbatch in connection to my book, well, it's spine tingling. I would love to answer any questions someone might have.
Thank you for hosting Sentinels of the Night.
Anita Dickason
Thanks for hosting!
Glad you liked it :-)
I actually started looking into serial killers from Texas to try and figure out who you may have been referring to. I came across one I was not familiar with. I find serial killers and their background an utterly fashinating subject. This one was definitely something else...
I wonder if he is the one you crossed paths with...
I really enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!
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