This is the sixth book in the Marvelous World universe.
PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis, trailer and the Kindle Cloud Reader Preview below.
Author Troy CLE will be awarding a $50 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.
|| Synopsis || Trailer || Teaser: KCR Preview || The Series || About the Author || Giveaway ||
Cyndi Victoria Chase’s junior year was supposed to be about fun and getting into college while desperately dodging the pitfalls of being awkward and painfully self-conscious. All of that was derailed when the massacre of two of her Alonis Academy classmates marked the beginning of a local epidemic.That did not sit well with Cyndi, who is a highly imaginative girl living in her own “Naturally Augmented Reality” where she can flawlessly detect when someone is lying and see people’s words come to life right in front of her eyes. She’ll discover that she’s up against a vicious trans-dimensional and intergalactic threat that has dropped chaos upon her life, school, and town.
Cyndi is Cyndi and will always be compelled to fight back; her powerful foes better be prepared for a battle that will become historic throughout the galaxy.
The Series: Marvelous World
|| The Marvelous Effect || Olivion's Favorites || Prologue: Exodus Battle: FAVORITES Day Novella [1] || The Young Armada: Sacred Destination: FAVORITES Day Novella [2] || Perilynn's Ambition: Sacred Destination: FAVORITES Day Novella [3] ||Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
The Marvelous Effect
Louis Proof is an ordinary kid. He loves listening to hip-hop, racing radio-controlled cars, and hanging out with his best friend, Brandon. Then a mysterious letter invites him to visit the local junkyard. There he finds a secret, underground amusement park like no other in existence. This is the best day of Louis's life. The park even has the most amazing race course for radio-controlled cars. Louis starts racing right away. It's a close contest; he's about to activate his nitro boost to take the lead, when...
This is the worst day of Louis's life. Without warning or reason, thirteen-year-old Louis Proof falls into a coma due to a virus of a mysterious, celestial origin. When he awakens three months later, the world that he once knew and loved is totally out of control. He will learn that his illness is connected to everything that is wrong, and that it's not only his responsibility but his destiny to set things right.
This story is a megadramatic, remarkably true, super action fantasy. Get ready!
[Published 1 October 2008, 367 pages]
Olivion's Favorites
When Louis Proof collapsed in pain in front of his uncle's store, he thought he was going to die. Instead he awoke in Midlandia, a place of the impossible.
Almost as soon as he arrives, three eNoli -- people who look human but are otherworldly -- try to kill him. In fact, it seems as if everyone in Midlandia is trying to kill Louis and the other two human teens, Cyndi Victoria Chase and Devon Alexander. The three are Favorites. If they survive Midlandia, they will have great powers. That's a big "if," though.
Louis must find Cyndi and Devon, who've been flung to different parts of Midlandia. Only when the three are together will Olivion's Gate appear. Then they will be able to cross the Gate, meet the Olivion, and return home. The three teens must also pay attention to everything on their journey. It is not enough to be a Favorite; they need to learn how to use their newfound abilities. Tremendous challenges await them at home. But as they're about to learn, those challenges are only the beginning. A threat is coming that is greater than anyone -- human or eNoli or iLone -- can imagine....
[Published 10 November 2009, 356 pages]
Prologue: Exodus Battle: FAVORITES Day Novella [1]
Journey to Midlandia, a place of pure energy located at the center of all things known and unknown, and witness how the eNoli bring destruction to their home land to do the forbidden and escape to Earth. These events set the entire Marvelous World Saga into motion and makes it possible for Louis Proof's world to become so Marvelous and Cyndi Victoria Chase to become so Horrible Marvelous. Get Ready!
This novella begins before Marvelous World Book 1: The Marvelous Effect and can be read independently of the Marvelous World series published by Simon and Schuster and Random House Listening Library.
[Published 28 September 2012, 22 pages]
The Young Armada: Sacred Destination: FAVORITES Day Novella [2]
FAVORITE: One of the most powerful beings known to exist. FAVORITES are chosen by the Olivion and granted near unlimited abilities, allowing them to bend reality as they see fit.
The Young Armada is a powerful squad composed of seven newly anointed FAVORITES. Individually, they were hand picked by the Olivion and are unmatched on the battlefield, but they are still young and experiencing the growing pains of becoming a true team. Newly charged with the duty of finding Louis Proof, Cyndi Victoria Chase, and Devon Alexander, they must reach the teens before their enemies, the eNoli, can destroy them. But, it just so happens that Midlandia has another task in mind for the group.
Instead, the team finds themselves on a detour leading them on a wild adventure. They must confront something that will be their most dangerous enemy in order to find the elusive CARDAN, who just may prove to be the ultimate FAVORITE. The biggest secrets imaginable can be found on Midlandia but CARDAN'S just may trump them all. He is something Midlandia has never seen before yet is somehow tied to the future of each and every one of us.
This book is CRUCIAL to the ENTIRE Marvelous World Saga and CANNOT be missed.
This novella begins before Marvelous World Book 1: The Marvelous Effect and can be read independently of the Marvelous World series
[Published 29 November 2012, 73 pages]
Perilynn's Ambition: Sacred Destination: FAVORITES Day Novella [3]
FAVORITE: one of the most powerful beings known to exist. FAVORITES are chosen by the omnipotent Olivion and granted nearly unlimited abilities, allowing them to bend reality as they see fit. FAVORITES are the only individuals who are bestowed the honor of owning an Alonis Medallion.
It is moments before the Exodus Battle and if you are an eNoli this should be a joyous occasion. That is simply not the case for Perilynn, who is the brother of Lord Arminion- ruler of all eNoli. Perilynn cares nothing about leaving Midlandia. In fact, he wants nothing more than to stay behind and become a FAVORITE in hopes that he may understand the elegant madness of Midlandia. The honor, privilege, and power of being a FAVORITE can only be bestowed upon him by the Olivion. It just so happens that the Olivion may be considering granting him that honor due to the impending arrival of Louis Proof, Cyndi Victoria Chase, and Devon Alexander to Midlandia. But first Perilynn must face his past and some of Midlandia’s ultimate challenges just to reach the mysterious Infintium Castle. He believes he is being called there by the Olivion to find out what debt must be paid to have his desire fulfilled. What will be required of him may be so impossible that his immeasurable ambition might be the only thing that will get him through it.
This novella begins before Marvelous World Book 1: The Marvelous Effect and can be read independently of the Marvelous World series
[Published 28 December 2012, 54 pages]
About the Author

He is a graduate of New York University (BA American Literature and English, MS Digital Design) and a highly experienced lecturer who has spoken Harvard, UCLA, Colorado College and many other well know and respected institutions.
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