
Thursday 12 September 2019

ℚ♫ Two Tides To Turn: Dumfries Drama [1] - RR Gall

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Two Tides To Turn (, RR Gall, 417 pages), a Psychological Historical Romance, book one in the Dumfries Drama series.

"What a story. Best I have read in a long time. It's turning and twisting plot wants it not to end. Reader can almost see the characters . Captivating and well written." ~ Amazon reviewer

|| Synopsis || Teaser: KCR Preview || Author Q&A || About the Author || Tour Stops ||

A very warm welcome to RR Gall; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Two Tides To Turn , or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?

"I never listen to music when I’m writing new stuff – don’t know why, just prefer silence.  But when rewriting, editing, whatever, I have a playlist.  It is long, so here are a few of the ones I play most often."

What was the inspiration for Two Tides To Turn?
"The idea for Two Tides To Turn came from my own life – as I never met my paternal grandfather.  I grew up thinking he died before I was born, only to find out, much later on, that, for the first few years of my life, he lived a mere two miles away.

Unlike in the story, where the reason becomes known, I have never found out why we were kept apart."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"As the idea started with my family, and my father was a trained gardener, I decided to give extra importance to the garden scenes."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover.  Can you tell us about your cover for Two Tides To Turn - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"Most of my covers are from paintings by my sister

Not this time though: she was busy getting ready for an exhibition.  I went for something with foreboding."
Why should we read Two Tides To Turn and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"It is a good plot for a start, and the characters felt very real.  Although it is told from the viewpoint of the two male characters, the female participants are powerful.  I especially like Catherine."
Can you tell us something quirky about Two Tides To Turn, its story and characters?
"I read a lot of old newspapers in the library archives and there were a number of odd reports – like the man who slipped on a banana skin, breaking his leg.

The pedestrian suspension bridge in Dumfries sways when a mere handful of people cross at the same time.  Back in the early 1900s, when the mills were working, there would be a flood of people crossing at the start of day, and the end.  To restrict the number and slow the flow, reducing damage to the bridge, turnstiles were installed at either end.  Unfortunately, this resulted in one woman being badly crushed."
Who would you recommend Two Tides To Turn to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"It has been mentioned that it might appeal to women more as the female characters are strong.  It should also be noted that there are a few sex scenes – hopefully tastefully done."
If you could / wished to turn Two Tides To Turn and the Dumfries Drama series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I would like it filmed in the locations mentioned in the story.  Other than that, I have no preferences."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"Mostly I write crime, murder/mysteries.  But I’ll try anything if I think I have a good plot."
What is your writing process?
"Start as early as possible in the morning and work to lunch.  In the afternoon spent a couple of hours going over what I’ve written.  I try to do this every day."
What is in store next?
"My next story is a follow-up to The Dumfries Detective trilogy.  I want to return to see how the characters are doing."
Thank you for sharing, and we hope you are having a great tour!

Two stories. One family. A compelling novel of love, grief, and mystery.

Two Tides To Turn
Available NOW!

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