
Monday 26 February 2018

ℚ♫ Hanami: Hanami [1] - V.C. Buckley

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Hanami (, MLR Press, 330 pages), a New Adult Romantic Suspense, book one in the Hanami series.

"From the seedy streets ruled by the Japanese Yakuza to the polished hallways of an elite academy for the rich and famous, Hanami transports the reader to a fascinating and fast-paced world. Buckley writes heart-pounding moments with a keen eye for detail. Fans of Asian drama and manga will enjoy this thrilling and romantic read!," Chris Mariano, Author of Cover (Story) Girl

"Hanami offers a unique take on Japanese culture, especially in Budo (or martial arts). The dojo scenes can give the uninitiated a peek into what goes on during Kendo training." Kristopher Inting, President of United Kendo Federation of the Philippines.

|| Synopsis || Trailer || Teaser: KCR Preview || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||

A very warm welcome to V.C. Buckley; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

To start, do you have a music playlist that you used in Hanami, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?

"Thank you so much for hosting my book tour. I truly appreciate it.

About the music, I did play several songs while writing Hanami. But I think the one I listened to the most was the song “Nikagute Amai Mizu” . You can listen to it below.

This song was actually mentioned in the first few drafts of the book. Unfortunately it got edited out. It was the song that Jin and Sakura were supposed to dance to in the Zenith Grand Ball. I hope you’ll enjoy it. 😃"
What was the inspiration for Hanami?
"Bullying. Bullying was the inspiration for HANAMI. I wanted to create a story with a girl who would be a bully’s worst nightmare. And I wanted to inspire girls to be strong and speak up."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I must admit that HANAMI reflects a lot of my personality. Sakura is one good example, she and I have a similar sense of justice, and we are both practitioners of Kendo. I sometimes regard her as my imaginary daughter."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Hanami - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"The paperback cover was designed in the UK by the talented Debbie Bright.

I wanted a concept that was simple but strong, and also featured Sakura’s iconic tattoo. The Tattoo was commissioned from UK based Tattoo Tailors. Designed by artist Milica Popovic."
Why should we read Hanami and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Ally Swanson and the beautiful people of has a list on 5 reasons you should read HANAMI.

To sum them up:
  1. Because it’s a love unique story that hasn’t been told this way before. 
  2. Because Kenjin Kiyohara is HOT, with a capital H. 
  3. Because Sakura Shintani is a badass and you need to meet her. 
  4. Because you have to know what happens in the end. 
  5. Because it will make you want to fall in love.
You can read more about it here."
Can you tell us something quirky about Hanami, its story and characters?
"The book is called HANAMI, which translates to “flower watching”. It is a term used in Japan particularly for watching the Cherry Blossoms or Sakura.

The Cherry Blossoms are in a way symbolic of Sakura Shintani, and her life can be likened to Hanami, wherein everyone waits for her to bloom as she is groomed in becoming the next big boss of the Shintani Yakuza."
Who would you recommend Hanami to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"Fans of YA romance would definitely enjoy this. As well as people who are into manga, anime and Asian telenovelas.

I feel that the story is something new and fresh. It’s a strong girl trying to gain control of her life. A girl with a violent past, present and future. A girl who could be the next monster in your nightmare, but she tries to be more than what she is groomed to be.

And it’s refreshing to have an alpha male meet his match. It’s a story that I had always wanted to read but could never find. So I wrote it instead, and yes, I find it very satisfying."
If you could / wished to turn Hanami and the Hanami series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I haven’t really thought about it. I would be grateful if this book becomes a movie at all. My dream would simply be for the movie to be well made."
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What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I enjoy writing just about anything. I explore different genres, even poetry, but there are always elements of romance in it. This is also the genre I enjoy reading."
What is your writing process?
"I’m a flexible plotter. So I’ll plan out everything but nothing is final until the very last edit and read-through."
What is in store next?
"I’m working on the sequel to HANAMI, and working on other side projects in the romance genre.

I also have a middle grade book in the queue somewhere. It will definitely be a very busy year of writing, and I’m enjoying every moment of it, even the days when I feel burned out."
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"The Japanese art of Kendo is special to me. I learned it especially for the book. I wanted to write authentic kendo scenes, so I learned it as best as I could and even competed internationally.

I must say that Kendo is not a sport for everyone. It is harder than it looks, but I was very fortunate to chance upon IGA Kendo Club and learn alongside an encouraging sensei, with very helpful and inspiring senpais."
Thank you for sharing!

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