
Friday 24 July 2015

ℚ♫ The Day Of The Wave - Becky Wicks

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about The Day Of The Wave (, 278 pages) a romance novel based on real-life historical events.

Becky Wicks is the bestselling HarperCollins author of the "-licious" books and 'Before he was Famous,' 'Before he was Gone,' and 'Before he was a Secret.'

Here is some praise for her latest novel, The Day of The Wave:

"I fell in love with the characters in this book. The pain and heartache they went through. The strength it took to rebuild their lives and move on. This was so much more then a romance." - Lynn's Love Of Books

"This book was amazing, incredible, wonderful, and so much more... It made my heart hurt, made my stomach hurt, and made me want to cry; all in a good way if that is possible!" - Archaeolibrarian

"Becky Wicks is a pro at describing locales in her books so well, that you can feel the sand beneath your feet, the wind coming in from the direction of the ocean. Her books make me wish I had the ability to travel the world!" - ChristyHerself Book Reviews

Author Q&A | Trailer | Synopsis | Teaser | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops

Animation of tsunami caused by the earthquake showing
how it radiated from the entire length of the 1,600 km
(990 mi) rupture

Hello Becky and thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for your latest book, The Day of The Wave?
"I was in Sri Lanka for a month and met so many people who'd been involved in the tsunami... wow, it was really heartbreaking.  I got to thinking, maybe I could write some of the survival stories into a work of fiction and if I could, how could I do it while remaining sensitive to the subject?  It was a challenge but I did a month of research to get my facts straight and the story just flowed out of me in five weeks."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I've travelled a lot, and while I'm not as scared of it as Isla is, I know what it's like to worry as a single woman on the road.  A lot of the descriptions of Thailand come from personal experience.... the sights, the sounds and smells, the intense heat, the not knowing what could possibly happen next once you put yourself out there and open yourself up to new experiences."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover.  Can you tell us about your cover for The Day of The Wave - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"My cover designer is a fabulous lady called Jeanine Henning and she designed all the covers for my 'Before He Was...' series.  She's brilliant, really knows how to capture the essence of a book.  At first I wanted Isla and Ben on the cover but in the end both Jeanine and I agreed it was better without - maybe just having the wave on the beach more mysterious. I think it hints that this is more than just a love story.  At least, that's how I intended it to be."

I found on your blog a playlist of music that inspired you and that you suggest to accompany The Day Of The Wave.  I would like to share it here for readers to enjoy - however, do please visit Becky's post to find out how she envisages these songs fitting in with her story.

Why should we read 
The Day of The Wave and what sets it apart from the rest?
"As far as I can see, no one else has written a work of romantic fiction based around the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami so that on its own, I would hope, makes it something a little different in the historical fiction and new adult genres.  My other books are straight up love stories but I wanted the challenge of writing something different and maybe a little more meaningful, for myself at least."
Can you tell us something quirky about The Day of The Wave, its story and characters?
"I supposed the character of Justin was based on a lot of the backpackers you might meet when you're travelling - the ones who are only there to get drunk and hook up with girls, rather than to appreciate and understand the culture and surroundings.  Of course, the other characters are based on the amazing people you meet, too; the smart, worldly, creative, adventurous ones just dying for a real cultural exchange."
Who would you recommend The Day of The Wave to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I suppose if you've been in a natural disaster it might be upsetting but I tried to handle the topic as sensitively as I could and I really hope I did that justice."
If you could / wished to turn The Day of The Wave into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"If The Day Of The Wave became a movie I would die of excitement.  Of course, it would have to be set in Thailand and I'd want the couple in the TV Show Beauty and the Beast to be Isla and Ben.  Their names are Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan.  I think they'd be perfect."
She was Lana Lang in Smallville, and I think I recognise him from Top Of The Lake.  I remember the original Beauty and The Beast series, but I have not seen this one...

What do you like to write and read about?  Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?

"I prefer romance novels or travel memoirs... both are completely different but I have fun writing non-fiction so it's something I'm planning to always be involved in somehow.  I find writing about real life is a great way to process thoughts and emotions too,... once it's out on the page you feel better, it's therapeutic somehow.  Whether or not I share it all in published books, that's a different story!"
What is your writing process?
"I write when I'm inspired.  It could be 4 in the morning for ten minutes, or eight hours straight in the middle of the day.  Some weeks I write nothing and switch off, other times I don't even sleep till I'm done!  It really depends on what the project is but getting exercise and being in nature really opens the mind and helps the ideas start flowing again if you're stuck - at least for me!"
What is in store next? 
"I'm working on non-fiction now,... bit of a secret project but all will be revealed in time ;-)  I'm also tapping away at a novel based on reincarnation, which I'm excited about, but the non-fiction one comes first!"
Brilliant, we look forward to both of those!   Thank you again for joining us and best wishes with the rest of your tour!

The Day Of The Wave - available NOW!

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  1. Really great interview! I love learning about authors..thanks for sharing

  2. Very informative interview!


  3. Enjoyed the interview, sounds like a really good book, thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for the interview! Would you want to go back to Sri Lanka?
